
About Dave Berkus

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So far Dave Berkus has created 50 blog entries.

Ready, AIM, fire! Really?

by Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman emeritus You’ve surely heard the variations on this theme.  “Ready, fire aim” was popular in the 1990’s, accredited to any of several authors.  I used [...]

By |2021-08-04T08:58:57-08:00February 1, 2021|Posts For Entreprenuers|Comments Off on Ready, AIM, fire! Really?

Timing is everything in a sale.

By Dave Berkus, Chairman Emeritus, Tech Coast Angels

Almost anyone who has sold a company has a story to tell about their good deal, the problems with the buyer, a last-minute change of terms, or more.

I have saved this next story until now because it is one of my favorites, and certainly illustrates the point about timing being a combination of luck and skill as well as anything I could devise from fiction.… Read the rest

By |2018-11-13T17:28:58-08:00November 1, 2018|Posts For Investors|Comments Off on Timing is everything in a sale.
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