Since 2003, TCA has been an innovator in Angel Investing by deploying a series of sidecar funds that invest alongside individual members. The first incarnation was called Seraphim Fund, and that was followed by ACE Fund 1, ACE Fund 2 and ACE Fund 3.
The current structure is through annual funds associated with each of TCA’s three largest chapters:
- TCA-SD’s ACE Annual Funds are annual funds making investments of $250K, $300K and $500K. The first 3 ACE Annual Funds (ACE 19 – ACE 21) have grown from 112 – 210 members and $2.2M to $4.7M between ACE 19 and ACE 21. More info is available at www.tcasandiego.com
- TCA-OC’s inaugural annual fund (TCA OC Fund 20) provided seed capital to 19 promising early-stage companies in a myriad of industries. TCA OC is now actively searching for disruptive early-stage companies for TCA OC Fund 21. Fund 21 is now active, in search mode, seeking to provide startup capital and mentorship to deserving entrepreneurs. Like the first fund, TCA OC Fund 21 will typically invest between $100K to $250K, with members often investing individually alongside the Fund.
- TCA LA’s Annual Funds are annual funds making $100k minimum investments up to $200k. The first TCA LA Fund I had $1.2M from 55 members while TCA LA Fund II has exceeded $1.2M and remains open for new TCA members through Q1 2021. More info is available at www.techcoastangels.la
Tech Coast Angels (TCA) created the Angel Capital Entrepreneur Funds I, 2, and 3 (ACE FUND) as an investment opportunity to both accredited individuals and institutional investors. The ACE FUND provided investors with the opportunity to participate in a diverse pool of dynamic early stage companies selected utilizing the vast expertise and experience of the TCA and its membership. The ACE FUND focused on companies with early exit potential providing investors with early liquidity. One of the most important benefits for members of the ACE FUND was access to deals closed to angel networks such as TCA because they may have been oversubscribed, or are from geographic areas not visible to TCA or its partners. ACE Funds I,II, and III are closed to new investments. View the ACE Fund III PPT presentation by Dave Berkus HERE.
ACE Fund Allocations
Capital Link LLC
Capital Link is dedicated to providing its clients with expert financial consulting and competitive loan products. Managed by experienced bankers, we'll negotiate on your behalf to get your business the capital it needs. With an extensive knowledge of the banking industry, we'll help you secure the most competitive loan programs. Contact: https://caplinkinc.com/ Jason Lee on LinkedIn
ComFreight (CMFT) integrates load matching and automated payment advances to carriers/brokers. Existing providers only focus on spot-rate price matching or are simply just a mobile app. Our shippers receive multiple/matching bids & we automate the payment process to carriers/brokers. That’s what differentiates & uniquely positions us.
Concert Health, Inc
Concert Health is re-architecting America's Behavioral Health system. We provide the remote specialist clinicians (therapists & psychiatrists), know-how, and technology infrastructure to help physician practices deliver high-quality, evidence based behavioral health care and take advantage of new reimbursement
Crater Group Co
CRATER is disrupting the moving and relocation industries by transforming antiquated processes and systems through innovative technology, superior customer services and highly efficient lead management solutions.
Educated Investor (Precision Information)
The Educated Investor family of products is published by Precision Information, LLC, a leading provider of interactive financial education products. Precision Information’s customers benefit from the company´s proprietary database of more than 10,000 articles, tutorials, definitions, and quiz questions. Industry leaders such as Ameritrade, Morningstar, Intuit, and New York Life rely on us to provide accurate, reliable, unbiased, engaging and easy-to-use FINRA-compliant material through web and software applications. PI’s flagship programs include the Educated Investor® content and the Financial Fitness Challenge program.
Elevate K-12
Elevate K-12 is an instruction tech service that provides live streaming instruction to K-12 schools in the US to solve the growing teacher shortage problem. The company is growing at a 70+ CAGR and is expected to be profitable in early CY2021.
Fin.Solutions (formerly Proxy Debt Buyer, Inc.)
Fin.Solutions is the world’s first patented electronic consumer debt exchange for the debt recovery and consumer credit and finance commnunities.According to the Urban Institute, 77 million Americans (35% of US credit consumers) have one or more defaulted debts in collection leaving them with derogatory credit. This disadvantages them outside of reasonably priced credit/finance markets causing much loss, pain, and suffering.By using our integrated platform called Bid4Debt, we empower a customer centric solution that reduces friction, tension and conflict between debt holders and debtors, manages the demand letter, the consumer bid, and the reconciliation of the debt.We increase debt recovery yield and revenue, decrease cost and compliance risk, expand markets, and help millions of Americans regain good credit life and financial prosperity
Findox – Optional Exit in 2021 (6x multiple)
FinDox Inc. operates in the technology industry. The company was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
Green Dot – IPO (GDOT) in 2010 (235x multiple)
Founded in 1999, Green Dot is a leading provider of prepaid debit cards and owner of one of the nation's largest retail cash reload and payment networks. With millions of customers and growing, you can count on us to be there for you. Get a card online or find our products in the prepaid section at tens of thousands of major retailers across the U.S. We're an American owned and operated company with headquarters located in California.
Gremln provides a full marketing suite to help maximize ROI. Take control of your brand, guide strategy, and stay compliant.