103, 2022

Five ways to make and execute a great plan

March 1, 2022|Comments Off on Five ways to make and execute a great plan

By Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman Emeritus

It is all about execution.

Waiting over a year to see results is too long, since your chance of mid-course correction is

1502, 2022

How big is your ocean? A lesson in TAM, SAM & SOM

February 15, 2022|Comments Off on How big is your ocean? A lesson in TAM, SAM & SOM

By Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman Emeritus

Is this a problem or an opportunity?

This insight is like a Hans Christian Anderson parable, but aimed at you and your

102, 2022

The four rules for motivating your employees with money.

February 1, 2022|Comments Off on The four rules for motivating your employees with money.

By Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman Emeritus

We’ve debated this one forever it seems.  Should be overwhelm prospective employees with stock options and perks?  Or concentrate our available resources on just plain money […]

1501, 2022

VC investors: Don’t be greedy even if you can.

January 15, 2022|Comments Off on VC investors: Don’t be greedy even if you can.

By Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman Emeritus

First, the marginal exit event:

Sometimes the end game or sale of the company is not a happy event for the early

101, 2022

Is there gold in your old intellectual property?

January 1, 2022|Comments Off on Is there gold in your old intellectual property?

By Dave Berkus, TCA Chairman Emeritus

Digging through your IP closet for gold…

In past years, several times a month I’d have lunch with one of my CEOs, and each time