Christopher Fey
Chris has a long career in health care, spanning many decades, particularly in the fields of blood products, vaccines and managed care. He was involved in multiple projects for Alpha Therapeutics Corp, Baxter, Green Cross Corporation-Japan, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, Inc., North American Biologicals, Inc., as well as the American Blood Resources Association (ABRA). He also served on national committees of the Florida and American Associations of Blood Banks (AABB). Members of AABB and ABRA provide most of the source material used in the production of manufactured blood products and vaccines. In the managed care industry, Chris assisted senior corporate management teams in the development of HMOs for U.S. HealthCare (national), Lincoln National Life Insurance (national), Blue Cross and Blue Shield-MO and Better Health Plan-FL. Mr. Fey founded HealthCare USA, Inc. (a Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial, multi-state HMO); which was awarded one of first Medicare Advantage contracts for Medicare recipients). HealthCare USA was sold to publicly-held Coventry Health Care, Inc. where he served as Corporate Senior Vice President in this million+ member, HMO/PPO/Medicaid health insurance/managed care company. He is the founder of U.S. Preventive Medicine, Inc., a nationwide prevention service for employers, which won the Consumer Electronic Show for best mobile app in 2012, as well as the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association) Award for Health and Fitness and the NIH 2012 “Frankie” award for diabetes management. Chris was selected to serve as a member of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council of 100, a select organization of CEOs from across the U.S. and internationally. Mr. Fey also participated in the organization’s yearly roundtable conference which presented the Council’s annual business priorities report to the White House and Congress. He has spoken across the U.S. and internationally on the subject of population health management and prevention efforts with business, health care and government leaders across the U.S., Europe, United Arab Emirates, China, Malaysia and Singapore. He is the founder of Eagle Strategy Partners. Mr. Fey is a graduate of the University of Florida.
TCA VG member since 2024